
My 4-Steps Of Getting Organized


There is a famous quote that states, “There is nothing more calming than an organized home.” True to its words, an organized home brings peace not only to your surroundings but to yourself. Living within a home that is organized improves your lifestyle, it relieves stress, and it makes you overall more productive. The goal is for you to find your belongings effortlessly and efficiently.

Day in and day out, people experience stress from their jobs, finances, or other areas of their lives. Coming home to a messy space after a busy day is the last thing you want to do. This CAN be avoided. With a little work and strong intentions, your home can be a source of comfort when you learn to be organized. 

If you’re wondering how to achieve an organized home, I will share with you my 4-step process for organization. So, sit back, relax, and give yourself some time to learn how to get your life back in order. 

Setting Goals – Step 1

Setting a goal or multiple goals is the essential first step before any action takes place. If you’re wondering how you can set goals, it is simply by deciding and envisioning your ideal outcome for your space. Think of it like a vision board. 

Not only should you be thinking about the desired outcome, you need to be writing it down. This will help you visualize the end result, which will be a constant reminder for you so you don’t lose track.

Purge – Step 2

The act of purging is to take out, get rid of, or remove. What items in your home can you remove to lessen the clutter? Purging is the removal of these items or belongings that you don’t need anymore. 

However, purging doesn’t always mean throwing out things. You can purge belongings that you don’t need anymore by donating, selling and recycling. These are also effective ways to save the environment. When taking this approach, be mindful of what you are purging; if the item has no value to you, it MAY have value or purpose to someone else. Don’t just throw; be conscious of what you are getting rid of. 

“When discarding items, don’t get to caught up in keeping everything from the past or worrying too much about what you ‘could’ use in the future”

Conscious Placement – Step 3

There are items in your home that you frequently use. This may not always seem obvious, however, the best placement for these items should be within your reach. We, as humans, tend to place these must-have items on surfaces that are easily accessible. However, if there are too many of these items, the area (kitchen counter) becomes cluttered and can be an eyesore.

So to avoid clutter, you have to consciously place these items in an organized manner. It is best if you can place them hidden but still accessible when you need to use them such as organizing containers, cupboards, closets, wardrobes, and storage.

“Things you use regularly and value the most should be given the highest priority and placed closest to where they are used” 

Maintenance – Step 4

Proper maintenance is really important to keep your belongings properly organized. This means that you regularly assess your space to see if extra clutter has accumulated. The more you maintain, the more likely you won’t ever have to start at square one. 

I always tell my clients that they should create a reminder; whether it is monthly or every other month, to alert yourself that it is time to sort through things that may have accumulated. Keeping on a schedule to continually reevaluate what you have, want, or no longer need will keep your space easier to maintain. In conjunction with this, I recommend creating a playbook or a list of rules on what to keep and what to get rid of. What is the space and its purpose? 

Having these rules to visualize will keep you in check and your space organized.

Let’s Get Organized

Getting organized is really beneficial as it makes your home look cleaner but more importantly functional. It gives you peace of mind and makes your daily routine more productive as you move around the house without any nuisances. As we wrap up GO Month, I’d like to leave you with this: “Be open to the possibilities: clearing the clutter makes space for new opportunities”. Now is the time to get into action. 2022….we are coming for you!

Let’s Get Organized! 

Laura Souders, an organizing expert and founder of Healthier Spaces Organizing, is a member of NAPO. She is an expert in organizing homes and helping out her clients to have a healthier environment in their own homes.

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